Friday, July 1, 2011

And the journey begins...

Clay and I celebrated our wedding on Friday, May 6th and it was beautiful!
When we saw each other, we could not stop smiling!  He makes me the happiest woman in the world!
How could you not be happy when a handsome young man in tails dips you like you were in a classic movie?!  Especially when this handsome man is your husband!  Boy, can I pick 'em!! I love you, Clay!  Not that I ever had any doubt, but you most certainly are the best husband in the world.  You have been there for me, literally, through thick and thin.  You are my rock and I love you more than you could ever know!
Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Cullman showed its resilience and weathered the storm from the previous week.  It stood beautifully as it housed our wedding.
We wish to thank both of our wonderful families for all of their help giving us our dream wedding.  We cannot thank you enough for loving us the way that you do.  It is wonderful to have all of you as our family! Also, thank you to all of our family and friends who came to support us and celebrate with us!  We love you all!!
I honestly, really and truly, believe Danielle was there making it the gorgeous day it was.  I know she was right there next to me the entire time. I could feel her holding my hand and felt her around me, although I could not see her.  I love you, Danielle.  Thank you for everything.


At July 1, 2011 at 8:59 PM , Blogger Kelly Aldridge said...

It absolutely was a picture perfect day and I will always be honored that I was able to be a part of it! Love you both!


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