Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Meet Homer!

As a surprise 4th of July present, I came home to this wonderful picture!  I walked in the door and I see this cute thing at the end of the hallway!! I was so happy I started crying!

Clay had balloons and a bright green bow tied on him!  His name is Homer and we adopted him from the shelter.  He is 4 months old and is a charcoal gray mutt. What a handsome mutt he is!

 Our first family picture!  Clay is such a wonderful husband and now we have a handsome, sweet, crazy, fun puppy in our lives!  He sits like a bulldog, has ears like Yoda, a curly-Q tail, and only barks when he gets really excited or if he is protecting me.  My little guard dog :)

 On our first family outing, we took Homer out with us to see the fireworks with Dan, Amy and the boys.   They both liked Homer a lot.. especially Andy!  He wanted to sit in my lap and wanted Homer to sit with us too!

We had a lot of fun hanging out with Dan and Amy!  It is always fun when we can get together.  It was hilarious watching the boys play and watching Homer socialize.  Thank you Wha-keys for such a memorable night!

 However, poor Homer did not enjoy the fireworks at all!  He curled up in Clay's lap and trembled during the entire show!  Homer did a great job walking with his leash around all the people.  Now that he has gotten more comfortable, he as definitely gotten more playful! Homer is promising to be a wonderful addition to our little family :)
Thank you Clay for such a wonderful playful gift!  We learn more about each other daily and learn more about Homer too!  Every day is a surprise and I am glad I have you to share it with!  The three of us spending time together has been great and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!  I love you both!!


At July 15, 2011 at 8:49 AM , Blogger Kelly Aldridge said...

Oh, Homer!!! You are the cutest puppy I have ever seen!!! All of us in Pensacola can't wait to meet you little guy!!!


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