Thursday, October 27, 2011

2 Corinthians 4:8

Six months ago today, a tornado ripped through Tuscaloosa and my sweet sister was taken from us.  The house Danielle lived in was a sturdy two-story home on Beverly Heights.  The area was shaded by numerous pine trees and spotted with homes in between.

There were no trees standing vertical for miles.  We could see the entire area clearly where once the neighbor's home down the street was not visible.  After the storm hit, Loryn's grandfather came with his tree cutter and cut into the house to find Danielle, Will, and Loryn.  

There was a 3 foot clearance from the first floor and the second.  The open space on the first floor is where they were found.  The upper level is where Danielle's room stood.

A tree that was uprooted by the tornado and carried in it was dropped on their house.  It made the house collapse on top of them.  This picture was taken where they were found.  The tree fell right next to them.

Loryn's room was destroyed along with the kitchen, dining, and living room.  Kelli's room was buried under the rubble and this is what remained of Danielle's room.

The field behind Danielle's grave is abundant in beautiful purple flowers.  Everyone could feel her there with us.  When I visit her, I just sit in the sun staring out at the field and the trees.  I know she is free.

Mom planted numerous beautiful flowers on Danielle's grave.  She deserves the best and she most certainly has it.  Thank you, Mom.  I know she loves it and is thankful for you.  She loves you more than you know.

I found the white board Danielle had written his verse on in the middle of what remained of her bedroom.  The white board was undamaged and the ink was untouched, so clear just as if she had just finished writing it.  
It brings such comfort to our family that we are having it carved in Danielle's headstone.

"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." 
2 Corinthians 4:8

The last message I received from Danielle was
"Its very big michelle  u know how i dont get scared w/these but this is huge  bigger than cullman"
The last message I sent to my sister said
"is it on the ground? that is very scary! i hope it just passes.. i love you!"
Danielle was and is my best friend who did not hold judgment on me no matter my faults.  She always looked out for me, even when the worst danger was headed her way.  I will always be thankful for everything she has done for me throughout my life and all that she will still do.  I will love you forever and never forget you.  I cannot wait to see you again and give you the largest hug I have ever given!  I love and miss you more than I ever knew I could..
I love you little/big sis-tor..  I miss you..


At October 27, 2011 at 9:08 PM , Blogger Kelly Aldridge said...

Michelle - You are amazingly strong. I know Danielle is so proud of you! We love you!

At October 27, 2011 at 10:24 PM , Blogger Martha said...

Tears are rolling, still. Words cannot express how my heart aches for you. You are loved. I cannot say that enough. YOU ARE LOVED!

The Bible verse reminds me of a song that uses it - Trading my Sorrows. In the song, after the verse is, "And though the sorrow may last for the night / His joy comes with the morning." Be patient, my dear friend, and bask in the love of God, Danielle, and your family and friends. The joy will return to you.

At October 28, 2011 at 1:49 PM , Blogger The Whatleys said...

We love you so much, Michelle! You are a wonderful example of strength and endurance. I know that Danielle is smiling down on you!

At October 28, 2011 at 3:37 PM , Blogger Aunt Tam said... are such an amazingly strong young lady and I am so proud to be able to call you my niece!!! I know that Danielle is so proud of you and is watching over you. We love you so much!!
Aunt Tamra & Uncle Randy


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