Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Danielle Marie Downs

It is a hard thing to grasp. The loss of a loved one, especially one who has been your best friend your entire life; someone who has stuck up for you no matter what situation and who has cared for you no matter what time in the night.  The very same person who potty trained you and taught you how to ride a bike.  It is a very hard thing to grasp because you do not want it to be true.

This is merely a small part of Danielle's beautiful life on this earth.

Danielle Marie Downs

December 7, 1986-April 27, 2011
24 years old
Danielle Marie Downs was born December 7th, 1986 in Alexandria, Louisiana.  She was our parent’s first child.  She was a beautiful baby girl who looked very much like her mother.  When she opened her eyes, finally, they were “the most beautiful green eyes” my parents had ever seen.  Then they changed to the most beautiful brown eyes THE WORLD had ever seen.  At two days old, Danielle had already astonished my father by pulling herself up while holding onto his fingers.  Simply only one of the many amazing things to come..
Danielle excelled in everything she did.  If she struggled, she never quit.  When she wanted something, she worked harder for it than anyone I have ever known.  She sacrificed childish things and aimed for something more long term or what she wanted the most.  Danielle quit playing soccer in high school so she could work and buy her own car.  Two years without soccer, two years of working while attending high school, paid off with her first car of her own in her senior year.  She could not have been more excited.  To show more of her character, she sacrificed so much not only to earn her own car but because she knew I was going to be sixteen when she graduated so she wanted me to be able to drive the truck to avoid our parents buying another vehicle. 
Sacrifice to help others.

Danielle Marie graduated Priceville High in 2007, packed up, and followed her dream to attend the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.  She LOVED it there.  We would visit her as much as we could without “suffocating” her.  She had the best first roommate in the history of first roommates.  They were two peas in a pod.  After living in Rose Tower, right by the stadium, she moved into an apartment with a friend, also near the stadium.  I always enjoyed visiting her or doing surprise visits with our parents and with Clay.  Our parents enjoyed surprising her.  She had the best surprised face of anyone and it could brighten the worst of days. 
I miss her smile..

Danielle majored in Social Work and wanted to specialize with military families.  She wanted to help people and boy was she good at it!  She took care of all her friends when they had a little too much to drink and naturally took care of me even when it was not solicited.  Somehow she always knew what to say, when to say it, and when I needed it the most.  I will always be thankful for how much she was always there for me.. how she helped everyone she knew, met, or saw.  Danielle was excelling in her social work field placement her final semester and knew that this was what she wanted to do.  She knew her calling, strived for it, and succeeded.

On April 27, 2011 a EF5 tornado tore through the city of Tuscaloosa.  She had been checking on me making sure I was ok and in a safe place while also checking on Clay.  I knew a tornado was headed her way but it was supposed to miss the city when I lost power.  The tornado changed direction and Danielle told me was headed straight for downtown and the university.  Then the tornado changed direction again.  Danielle, her roommate Loryn Brown, and our friend Will Stevens were all on the first floor in their two-story house, huddled in the hallway with pillows, blankets, radio, cellphones, and the TV taken off the stand so they could see it.  We were told they even had a mattress.  This was the first storm she was ever afraid of..

When the neighbors emerged after the storm hit, they all ran to the house calling out to Danielle and her friends.  No one answered.  Loryn’s grandfather tore through the house with his tree-cutter, while everyone helped move the debris.  They found them exactly where Danielle said they were.  They rolled Will off to get to Danielle and Loryn.  Will had thrown himself on top of them to protect them and had a grip on both of them.  We all believe none of them felt any pain.  They did everything right, how you are supposed to do it.  They were in the safest place in the house.  A maple tree, not from the neighborhood, fell from the tornado onto the middle of the house causing the house to collapse on top of them.  Will Stevens will always be a hero in our eyes.

Danielle Marie Downs was the kindest person this world has ever known and will ever know.  She had the heart of a giant, the voice of an angel, the sweetest smile and best laugh.  She was and will forever be my lifelong best friend who knows me better than anyone, the good and the bad, and loves me no matter what.  I will forever be the same for her..  I cannot wait to see her again and give her the biggest hug!!  And Danielle, I will never let go :)
Danielle is in the most amazing place helping so many more people than she could if she was here.  I have the most beautiful sister little/big sis-tor in all the Heavens. 
God must have needed an angel..
and He got the most wonderful one there ever was.