Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thank you!

Clay and I would like to say thank you to everyone that helped us save Digby!  We have amazing family and friends.  We couldn't have done it without any of you. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh, and Digby says thank you too!

Just check out how well this guy is doing!

Digby has really become one of the sweetest dogs we have ever met.  He showers everyone he meets with love, thinks he’s a lap dog, and enjoys basking in the rays.  He can still be a little neurotic sometimes, especially in the morning or when he randomly chews on things, but we love him all the same.  Have I mentioned that his favorite past time is getting every toy out of their toy bin, laying down in the middle of them, and going from one to another playing with each?!  He is absolutely hilarious!

Digby now weighs a whopping 38 lbs! When we found him, he weighed a total of 25 lbs.  We are so happy with his progress.  Thank you, Jared Harney, for performing Digby's surgery!  If anyone is needing a good veterinarian in the Arab, AL area, please seek out Jared at Westside Veterinarian Hospital!  He is a wonderful guy who truly cares about your pets.

Digby and Homer are best buds! They are virtually inseparable!  So Homer says thank you too, for giving him a brother and a best friend.

Thank You All!


At August 6, 2013 at 3:54 PM , Blogger Kelly Aldridge said...

Cutest two pups ever!!!!


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