Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Adventures

This past year has been one of many trials but more tears from laughter than any other.  Clay and I have found time to enjoy our life together.. the first time in a very long time!  He helped me to actually celebrate my birthday this year and taught me to start living my life the way Danielle would want me to.. with my heart full of love and happiness.

First, he surprised me with a ski trip, lessons included!  Mount Crescent in Iowa is local and great for beginners.  I found out I am pretty terrible at skiing.  I fell every. single. time. going down that hillside!  All except for the last one, which I went down super slow and refused to fall, no matter the cost.  Clay was a natural!  He even went down the really steep hill!  Also, we purchased our first-ever GoPro (amazing purchase for our year of adventures!) 

As if that was not enough, he ended the day with a surprise birthday party at Dave & Busters!  How did I ever get so lucky to spend my life and enjoy all of my birthdays to come with this man??   

In the summer, we took a mini-vacation to Colorado Springs, CO.  Who can go to Colorado and not do a bit of hiking?  We were able to hike all over Garden of the Gods, which was a perfect beginning for the rest of the trip.  We rode a cogwheel train up the side of Pike's Peak Mountain and rode mountain bikes down the other side.  You could feel the moment your body realized how thin the air was getting.. from a physiology stand point, it was so fun!  Once on top of the mountain, the views were spectacular!  

We then began our journey on mountain bikes all the way down.  We joined a group called PikesPeakByBike which provided the bikes and gear for the long trek down the mountain.  The group had strategic break points and the ride was about 3 hours total.  I rode my brakes the entire beginning because I was terrified of the switch-backs!  We did get to see big horned sheep and later an elk running across the mountain side.  (the video was too big to upload, so you can see it here!)  Absolutely amazing views no matter where you looked!

We also zip-lined across mountain canyons, turning upside down and everything!  I have a pretty terrible fear of falling but this was absolutely amazing!!  Our adventurous sides were showing this entire trip!

Our last big trip this year was returning to the good ol' south!  Why not?!  By this point, we have seen plenty of snow (and fallen in it way too much), flown through mountain valleys, and seen the world from atop a mountain.  So seeing our family and going to the beach was the next best thing to do!  
Our visit to Ft. Morgan was completed with many hours in the sun and sand, family dinners/lunches/breakfasts, as well as a big rally Amy lead for game night.  Our last day at the beach we were able to spend with Gigi and Jabo.. enjoying a nice, easy, relaxed day.  Of course it wouldn't end right if Jabo didn't complete a midnight swim in the pool, just because he can!  Sounds very much like something Clay would do! :)

We were able to spend an entire week with our family and friends.  The first half was spend with the Whatleys in Ft. Morgan, and the second half was spend in North Alabama with my parents.  We had a fun time hanging out, watching movies, eating Dad's home cooked food, and loving life together!  Saying goodbye in the airport is always hard.. but I think we all did pretty okay under the circumstances.  I cannot wait to see you again, Mom and Dad! I love and miss you so much!

I would like to say a big THANK YOU for all of our family and friends who helped make this year so completely joyful!

Needless to say, the year 2015 has been one to remember.. 
and it's not over yet!

I cannot wait to see what is to come ..  2016 look out!

 Prayers and Blessings be for continued health and healing to our loved ones


At February 19, 2016 at 2:06 AM , Blogger zerry ht said...

Thanks my friend for sharing these 2015 adventure photographs. Your trip photos were outstanding. You know we also had great time in last year. My sister got married at some destination wedding venues Los Angeles. For us it was one of the best events of 2015.


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