Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy One Year Anniversary!

Our first year of marriage has been a very trying one, but... we have made it through it stronger than ever!  And to celebrate, how about a weekend of family, beach, and concerts!!

First stop is to my aunt and uncle's where we didn't get to stay for long, but we most certainly enjoyed the conversation!  We then went to Cheryl and Herman's house to visit with them and the kids.  It was so fun seeing their faces when we surprised them, which was even more fun when they opened our late Christmas presents to them!!
 Oh, and can you tell how much weight Cheryl has lost?!  She looks amazing!!!  Great work, Cheryl!

We then made to Kelly and Brett's for the night and spent the next morning with them on the bay!  It was so fun spending time with them and enjoying the water!  We truly enjoyed spending so much time with our families!
Too bad Clay and I didn't think to put any sunscreen on.....  by the time we made it to The Hang Out, we were burnt!

We met up with Holt and his friends on the front row to enjoy watching Clay's favorite band.. DISPATCH!  They were amazing!! They opened for the Red Hot Chili Peppers who were less impressive.  We made our way to the back of the crowd during the show and rode the ferris wheel :) 

Can you tell how happy they were?
Of course it wouldn't be the same without a State flag flying!

Now.. The Red Hot Chili Peppers

The next day we avoided the sunlight as much as possible.. poor Clay!!  So we waited awhile until we went back to the concerts.  Clay and I decided not to fight the crowd and just chilled toward the back and enjoyed Dave Mathews while relaxing.  What a perfect ending to the weekend of concerts!

Monday came and we packed up getting ready to leave soon after Mr. and Mrs. Whatley got there to enjoy the rest of the week at the condo.  They took us out to lunch and hung out for awhile.  It was really nice to see them again! 

 All in all, I think this trip was a wonderful first wedding anniversary gift to each other :)  Happy One Year to my wonderful husband!  I love you always and forever!!!