Monday, June 18, 2012

Weekend Project!

So last week hosted our first weekend project of our married lives.. and it turned out great!!  Rewinding... we have decided to donate the furniture my uncle and aunt gave us to Habitat for Humanity.  A family in need will get the couches and desk for a great price, and the money given will go toward building a home for a family in need.  Since this furniture was originally supposed to be given to Danielle, I thought this was a fitting use of it, so they were donated in her name.  We debated for a long time about the entertainment center and we have decided to keep it for a while longer until we knew our project would turn out the way we wanted.

Now, to tell you about our project...
When Clay moved out of the fraternity house, he took his dresser with him and used it in his apartment and then our apartment together.  Needless to say, that dresser has seen it's day!  The body of it looks great for the most part, you can just tell it had been used.  I got this idea of how to find a new use for it... as a new entertainment center.

The Plan: .. let's play "Find the Homer!"
We (meaning Clay) began by taking the top of the dresser off and saving it for later.  He then cut down two drawer levels, leaving two at the bottom and an empty drawer space.

Clay cut out two holes in the back for wires and put a bottom to the empty drawer space.

 Clay admiring his work :)

Next, Clay put it all together and it looked great!  Then comes my turn..  painting!  I was so afraid I would mess up all of Clay's good work!!

I painted an under coat of molasses brown in matte finish and then I then add crackle by means of natural sponge.

Lastly, we painted the top layer of white in semi-gloss.  After adding bronze based glass knobs, here is the finished project!!!

 This was such a fun project to do together!  Clay got to get hands dirty with a project and I got to dive into my decorator side!  Now we have this truly unique piece of furniture to show for it!  I can really see us using it for years to come, and I'll always remember this wonderful weekend with my wonderful husband and cute puppy!

Can you believe I actually got a good picture of him?!