Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Young Couple Beauty Tips

If you are like us, you are a young married couple taking things day by day.  Money is tight but fun and laughter is plentiful.  We have recently uprooted from our beloved South and have moved out to the Midwest – which means money is even tighter now!  I have found, with the help of my best friend Kacy, a couple of helpful cheap beauty tricks that won’t break the pocket book.

The first is an undoubtedly underestimated concealer that packs an amazing punch!  It is Erase Past by Benefit. This tiny glass container costs a whopping $10 and its regular size $30.  The thing that makes this well worth your buck is that it takes very little to get your desired effect!  Most of us have dark under-eye circles from some reason or another.  The thing we all have in common is the quest to find something that is easy and effective – and that won’t break the bank!  This is where I would suggest Erase Paste to anyone.  All it takes is a small dab to conceal the worst of dark circles.  If you are like me, it would take multiple applications of my concealer to cover my circles semi decently.  And by that point, it felt like my eyes weighed a ton.  With this, it takes 3 seconds per eye.  You still feel, and look, bright-eyed and ready for the day!  This is the best thing to get my day started!

If you are like me, maybe not as ghostly white, and are in need of a tan before an event, I have the thing for you!  Sure if you have time to lay out by a pool or can afford spray tanning, I say go for it!  Otherwise, this next item might be your saving grace.  FakeBake Flawless is a self tanner that, believe it, doesn't look like a self tanner!  It comes in a travel size and regular size.  The travel costing $16 but is enough to last multiple applications.  The kit comes with a protect-ant glove and an application mitt along with the tanner.  It is quite easy to apply and you can use the treatment once a week until you get your desired shade.  This is great for me since I do not have time to tan, money to spray tan, and I don’t want to have leathery skin when I grow old from using tanning beds.  I will definitely be using this again prior to Kacy’s wedding this October!

Please note: any tanning, spray tanning, or use of self tanners must be done so properly, because we all care about you, and don’t want you running around looking like this! 

While I have been talking about spending money, here is something that will save you money!  It is a one time purchase with multiple uses.  If your husband likes his hair short, like mine, this is a must.  For about $30-$40 you can buy a set of Conair Hair Clippers and be your husband’s stylist!  Clay has thick, coarse, curly hair and this cuts it like a breeze.  It is light, easy to clean, and does a great job with his crazy hair.  I have been cutting his hair since we've gotten married and it has saved us tons of money over these couple of years!  I would advise all my friends to do something similar to this as an easy way to save some dough.  I know my sister-in-law cuts her husband’s hair with scissors – a very talented lady, I might add, because I tried with Clay’s and couldn't!  Any way you do it, you should!

I hope you have found these little tips helpful in your everyday!

May your lives be blessed and filled with love and laughter, from our family to yours!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thank you!

Clay and I would like to say thank you to everyone that helped us save Digby!  We have amazing family and friends.  We couldn't have done it without any of you. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
Oh, and Digby says thank you too!

Just check out how well this guy is doing!

Digby has really become one of the sweetest dogs we have ever met.  He showers everyone he meets with love, thinks he’s a lap dog, and enjoys basking in the rays.  He can still be a little neurotic sometimes, especially in the morning or when he randomly chews on things, but we love him all the same.  Have I mentioned that his favorite past time is getting every toy out of their toy bin, laying down in the middle of them, and going from one to another playing with each?!  He is absolutely hilarious!

Digby now weighs a whopping 38 lbs! When we found him, he weighed a total of 25 lbs.  We are so happy with his progress.  Thank you, Jared Harney, for performing Digby's surgery!  If anyone is needing a good veterinarian in the Arab, AL area, please seek out Jared at Westside Veterinarian Hospital!  He is a wonderful guy who truly cares about your pets.

Digby and Homer are best buds! They are virtually inseparable!  So Homer says thank you too, for giving him a brother and a best friend.

Thank You All!