Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas in Omaha!

As stated previously, we are blessed have AMAZING families!  My parents came up the week Gigi and Jabo left and stayed for 8 days!!  Can you tell how excited I was to have them here??? And so were the puppies!!

I took them to many of the same places, as they are our favorite places we've found here, like this one! The Old Market Passageway - my favorite spot!  Pure greenhouse between buildings, nice and warm, and beautifully strung Christmas lights from ceiling to floor all in the greenery.

The weather did not quite cooperate while they were here though.  It went all the way to 0 degrees!  Poor mom and dad were freezing!! So naturally, we did not spend much time outside until the weather got warmer for them :)  Thankfully we did some winter-izing in the apartment the day before the cold hit.  What timing!
Oh, and have I mentioned that we sat by a warm fire every evening? Sooooo nice...

Clay and Dad got to have some quality "guy time"! Clay took Dad to an indoor cigar bar with a large walk-in humidor.  I think they enjoyed themselves!

I truly enjoyed cooking with Dad all week! It was so nice having help in the kitchen!  Our Christmas dinner was pretty simple but good! :)  Merry Christmas from the Downs's/Whatley's!

Thankfully it did get warm enough for us to walk on the pedestrian bridge on their second to last day here!  What perfect weather - nice and warm!!

Thank you both SOOOOO much for coming, helping, and staying so long!  We really at a wonderful time with you here and truly enjoyed your company!!!  We love you and miss you tons!! Can't wait to see you in a few months!

Gigi and Jabo's Great Adventure!

 Clay and I are very blessed to have come from such WONDERFUL families!  We were not able to afford a trip home (and Clay started a new job which meant he had no time off accured yet), so our amazing parents flew in to spend Christmas with us!  
Gigi and Jabo spent a blissful 4 days here which we packed full of filling their eyes with our beautiful city scape, our favorite secret spots,

and of course, trying out our local breweries!

Something really neat about local breweries is that you can get a "flight of beers" - a 2oz sample of every beer the company makes.  Naturally, Clay and Jabo had to get it! 

While Gigi and Jabo were here, we also checked out old train depot which has been turned into a museum.

And every Christmas holiday, the largest tree in the city is placed in the center of the depot and is decorated from top to bottom!

Across the Missouri River is a pedestrian walking bridge where you can walk from Nebraska to Iowa, allowing you to be in two places at once! Please notice the remains of snow.. which of course resulted in epic snowball fights!

We had such a fun time with you both and are looking forward to your next trip up!! Thank you for such a wonderful way to celebrate the holidays!! We love and miss you!